Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Flushing Our Fat

David and I decided that we needed to kickstart some weight loss. We heard about this diet called The Fat Flush Plan. His sister Bekah and her husband Jeremy tried it with great results. So we drank the kool-aid (quite literally) and decided that we would also do the Fat Flush Plan. This diet consists of 3 phases. The first phase is supposed to shock and cleanse your system. Each morning we have to drink an 8oz. glass of unsweetened cranberry juice with 1 tablespoon of ground flaxseeds. This is known as the longlife cocktail. Then we have to drink a 5oz. glass of hot water with lemon in it. Then we get to have breakfast. Our food choice is quite limited. We can't have sugar, salt, carbs and dairy. We may only have up to 2 eggs per day and up to 2 servings of fruit. We're supposed to only eat 8 oz. of meat per day, but we kind of cheat on that part. Needless to say, it's a pretty strict diet. We started this diet 9 days ago. Already, David has lost 8 pounds and I've lost 3. So not a ton of weight has been shed, but it has helped me see that there may be a light at the end of this obese tunnel! We end phase 1 on Friday. We couldn't be more thrilled about it! All we talk about is what food sounds good to us. So hopefully we won't go on a food binge and gain back all of our weight!

Now, I have to say that I've been pretty disappointed about the little amount I've lost compared to the amount David has lost. It infuriates me that men lose weight quicker. My Dad is the same way. He can lose 20 pounds just by looking at a treadmill. Anyway, I gained over 60 pounds (If you don't remember, see picture below. It's quite scary how big the little Noah monster made me!) with Noah and have already lost 30. So, I still have a ways to go. People keep telling me, "It took 9 months to put it on, it's gonna take at least that long to take it off." I am just so impatient and want the weight off. I want to be healthy for myself and for my son. So, if you find time, every once in a while, could you pray that I stay consistent and remain on the path to weight loss? I'd greatly appreciate it! I know encouragement and support can be a big help with something like this, and I could really use it.


I don't know how my little 5'2" frame handled all that weight!

Well, anyway, here's to being back in a two piece bathing suit soon (I'm hopeful!).


KerriBU98 said...

Seriously...we really have to start running. Ok, maybe I'm the one who really needs to, but I think that would help shed the pounds. Baby steps, right?

The Johnstons said...

Glad you're having some success with the Fat Flush Plan. Hey, if it doesn't work you can always do Jered's tuna only diet! ;) Don't get discouraged, as it is going to take time...took me almost a year. Look at it this way, even if you're not completely buff and feelin' the bikini come June, at least you're on the beach!!

Laura said...

Weight Watchers, really. It's the most successful, long term plan out there. I lost 30 pounds in 5 months, while nursing my little one (who's soon turning 5). I used it after baby #2, losing 10 pounds of baby weight and am now working in the 10 pounds of "married" weight.

By the way, I'm a friend of Kerri and Dana from way back in high school.