Thursday, August 21, 2008


A lot has been going on these past couple of weeks. The biggest news in our family is the arrival of Ezekiel Cole Duncan (David's sister Jenny) on August 11th and Lauren Lynn Tharp (My sister Dana). Ezekiel is doing great and quickly went home with Josh and Jen. All was good with Lauren until the day after her birth. While Cody was holding her, he noticed her turning blue. So Dana swooped in and started rubbing her back to get her to start breathing again. It turns out that Lauren has a severe case of reflux that causes her to stop breathing periodically. Therefore, Lauren has spent the first week of her life in the NICU. Fortunately, the doctors put her on Prilosec and it seems to be working. Lauren hasn't stopped breathing in a couple of days so she got to go home today. Unfortunately, while in the NICU the doctors discovered that Lauren's bilirubin was extremely high. After a battery of brain scans, blood draws and other tests, the doctors are trying to rule out a something called CMV or the possibility that something is wrong with her Gallblader. The CMV thing is a virus that most people have probably been exposed to at some point in their life. However, when a newborn comes in contact with it, it can have severe effects such as hearing loss and low brain functioning. So we are praying that it's just something with her Gallbladder because the doctor says that will eventually fix itself. We won't know anything until next week.

I actually was in Texas this past weekend for my high school reunion and for a baby shower. I got to see Dana and her family and it made me really homesick. I sure do miss Texas! Most importantly I miss those munchkins, Cole and Katelyn. They are the cutest! I have pictures, but I am too lazy to upload them right now. I will do that very, very soon.

The last bit of news ocurred today. I went in for my 28 week check-up. All was fine until the doctor measured my belly. Apparently, I am measuring 32 weeks....that is 4 weeks larger than what I am supposed to be!!! Therefore, my due date is either wrong or I am having a monster child. The doctor looked shocked and immediately ordered me to get an ultrasound within the next week or two to see what's going on with Willis. This is crazy news to me because I just went to the doctor 3 weeks ago and I was measuring exactly where I'm supposed to be. So, I fear that I am having a ginormous child! David, of course, thinks this is excellent news! I, however, am fearing that the child is going to break me because I am so large and in charge. Again, I will post pictures just so you can see what I mean! The other bit of news from today is that David scheduled another knee surgery for September. His knee has been pretty swollen lately and has been giving him a lot of trouble. We're hoping that the procedure will be simple and that the surgeon will only need to clean up the site of his injury. So pray that nothing more is really wrong with his knee.

We have a lot to be thankful for these days. We're so excited to have new family members and soon will be adding one of our own (even though I'm afraid he's going to come out walking...yikes)! We're very thankful to be able to share our joys and concerns with you. Thanks for your loyal support!

1 comment:

KerriBU98 said...

AWWWWWW YEAH! Willis is a big 'un! Push 'em out, shove 'em out, WAAAYYYYY OUT!