Thursday, August 14, 2008


I don't normally make plugs for other blogs, but I feel differently about it today. And I hope that the people mentioned in this post won't mind that I'm promoting their work.

Most days at work, I will listen to various sermons from churches I have attended in the past or churches that are in Texas. However, there is one church, The Village Church in Dallas, TX, that I have never attended but I learned about through my friend Holly. The pastor there is Matt Chandler. My friend Holly told me about him because she is friends with his wife Lauren. Anyway, his messages are always encouraging because he never claims to be something he's not. He's a regular Christian guy, just trying to love others and share about the love of Christ. The sermon this past week was especially encouraging to me because we all go through things we can't explain. There are moments in life where we question God and think that He will always make things better in our lives. The truth is, God never promised to give us the best life on this earth. Someday, if we believe that Jesus was the Son of God, that died for us so that we can spend eternity with Him, we WILL have the best life you could ever imagine. For the time being, though, we have to rely on our faith to sustain us so that we can look forward to the life that we will one day share with Christ in Heaven. This sermon encouraged me to look at the circumstances in my life a little differently and reminded me that this life is temporary. I hope that it will do the same for you.

Also, if you click on the links within this post, it will take you to blogs by Holly, Matt and Lauren. You won't be disappointed if you check them out!

Go to the following link and listen to the sermon called Perplexed.

1 comment:

The Johnstons said...

so funny that you posted about matt and that sermon because i just listened to it yesterday! it was he always is! i also liked what he had to say about the prosperity gospel. he and lauren won't mind at all that you are mentioning and promoting their work. such a blessing to get to listen to him preach!