Friday, February 15, 2008

Valentine's Day

Last night, David and I spent a lovely night with about 20 other couples from our church. When we first made plans for Valentine's Day, we made a reservation at the Palm. It's a fancy restaurant that we went to for New Year's. This place has the best steak I've ever tasted! So of course, this was where we wanted to spend our date night. However, our church kept making announcements about having a Valentine's Banquet with other couples from the church. The more we thought about it, the more it made sense. Not only would it save us money, but it would be good time with good friends. And sure was. I'm so glad we made the decision to spend Valentine's day with our church. All of us had to take quizzes about our spouses. Sadly, David and I didn't score very well. You would think that we would've had the highest score since we were the ones that had been together for the least amount of time. But no, we did a horrible job and I think we tied another couple for the lowest score. David couldn't even remember where our first date was. Oh well. However, the questions asked on the quiz got us talking about things we didn't know about each other. For example, one of the questions was, "As a child, what was your spouse's dream job?" I guessed to be a basketball player for David, and I was right....and he had no idea what I wanted to be. Which seems to be pretty funny because I still don't know what I want to be. My college roommate, Holly, can affirm this since she likes to make jokes about how many jobs I've had in my life. ANYWAY, as a kid, I can remember wanting to be a ski instructor....which is something that David didn't know about me. So, it was just a nice night with great people. They're so uplifiting and encouraging and I love that all of our best friends go there.

Even though Valentine's Day is really just a made-up holiday...I hope that all of you felt love. And I hope you feel that on every other day of the year as well!

1 comment:

The Johnstons said...

Glad y'all had a wonderful Valentine's Day. Thanks for making me out to look like a mean person. :) We missed you yesterday...I, too, wish you could have been at Ninfa's! Miss you lots!