Tuesday, May 12, 2009

6 Months

I can't believe that 6 months has come so quickly! Noah, you have gotten so big and so fun this past month. At your check-up, you weighed in at 18.6 lbs (75th percentile), were 27.5 inches tall (90th percentile) and your head was still giant at 45.5 cm (90th percentile). You're a big boy!! This past month, you really started to like eating anything and everything. Though you may make a bitter face sometimes, you still eat the entire jar. You eat both fruits and vegetables and still eat 4 oz. of formula at every meal. Little Pig! Your sleep has been kind of off this past month. Maybe it has something to do with the double ear infection the doctor discovered at your 6 month appointment. We had no idea that you were hurting! Other than not sleeping well, you showed no signs of having those ear infections. Maybe you'll be tough like your Momma and will be able to stand all sorts of pain! :)
You're pretty active these days. You love to roll all across the room. Sometimes I look away for a split second and when I look back, you're clear across the other side of the room. You're starting to scoot a little bit, but haven't quite figured out how to get very far. Sitting up has been a challenge. That big noggin' of yours is keeping you from sitting for very long. But, we're still working on it! Hopefully by 7 months you'll be sitting without any problems. You love your bouncy seat with all the toys. You can finally sit in it without flopping all over the place. I finally heard a big belly laugh from you (5/2/09)! It was just you and I and you thought I was hilarious for some reason. I was so sad that Daddy wasn't around to hear it. But, it was a special moment between the two of us. You still don't know what to think when Daddy tickles you. Sometimes you let out a little squeal. But mostly you just tighten your muscles and brace for the tickling. You love to grab our faces. And, you LOVE to eat my face. You only do it to me so I'm the lucky one that gets slobbered on. I don't mind it one bit though!
Daddy gave you your first haircut (5/6/09). That little mohawk of yours was getting out of control! Sadly, I don't have any pictures because I had to hold you while he trimmed your hair. You still have somewhat of a mohawk, but your blonde hair is growing in all over. Pretty soon, the mohawk will be gone! Speaking of blonde hair, how did that happen? You are so blonde! More blonde than your Mom ever was. Your Dad and I always look at you and wonder who you look like. We get mixed responses from everyone. A lot of people say you look like your sister Sara. You do have her coloring...very fair, very blonde, and big blue eyes. Daddy and I never had any idea that you would've turned out that way. It's a nice surprise and you sure are cute!
You're still very laid back and everyone says how chill you are. You make it very easy to take you anywhere. You're a very quiet boy except when you're hungry. And when you're hungry, you sure let us know! It's amazing how loud you can get. For someone who is so quiet most of the time, you sure do have some lungs on you. You hate being hungry and sometimes when you're screaming and the bottle is in your mouth, it takes you a minute or so to realize it's there. It's a pretty funny thing, but it makes me crazy sometimes! We have to feed you right on the dot or you let us know that it's past time. So I have to make sure I have food around at all times!Noah, you're a joy to have around. We all love you very much! You have changed my life in more ways that I can count. You're such a blessing to me and our family! Don't go growing up to fast....these past 6 months have gone by way to fast!
I love you, son!


1 comment:

The Johnstons said...

Oh my goodness, I cannot believe he is already 6 months old. I feel like not that long ago you called to tell me you were pregnant. He is so adorable, and I definitely see Sara in him, but he still looks alot like his Daddy to me, too.

I know your anniversary is coming up. When's Mexico? Have so much fun (and a beer) for me!! ;)