Tuesday, January 12, 2010

14 Things about NRC

It's been a while since I've given updates on our cutest boy, so I thought now would be a good time since he just turned 14 months. In honor of those 14 glorious months, here are 14 things about Noah:

1. He is walking EVERYWHERE. He started taking some steps in the beginning of November. But, he didn't fully walk until December 4th. On that day, I watched the 4 Nielsen kids (cousins). The youngest, Bentley, is 5 months older than Noah and has been walking for quite some time. For whatever reason, having him at our house made Noah realize that he too could walk just like his big cousin. From that day on, he hasn't quit. He does look somewhat like a bobble head when he walks and people are amazed that he can keep his balance so well because of that giant pumpkin of his!

2. Noah has become quite the talker. I no longer have a quiet son. Most everything that comes out of his mouth is gibberish, but he is increasing his vocabulary quite quickly. The following are words that he says on a regular basis: Daddy, Momma, ball, turtle, Boo Boo (Anna), dootdall (football), buh-bye, dog and moo. In addition to say actual words, he has finally caught on to signing. These are the words he signs: please, more, bye bye, all done and thank you. What a smart little guy! Growling is another form of communication that Noah likes to use a lot!

3. Our boy is quite the music fanatic. The moment he hears a beat he immediately starts bobbing his head and dancing. In fact, if we play the song "Notion" by Kings of Leon, he goes crazy. It is quite a sight to behold and I'm hoping to get in on video very soon. We believe he is going to be a great musician. He has already shown us that he has an excellent sense of rhythm. And I'm not making that up because I'm biased....he truly can keep the beat.

4. In addition to loving music, we believe Noah will also be quite an athlete. He is constantly carrying around some sort of ball. His favorite is his little Vikings ball, of course! The moment he wakes up in the morning, he starts asking for his ball. We got him his first basketball hoop for Christmas and David is happy that he is already turning out to be quite the baller!
Noah's favorite toy

5. Eating is not so fun with Noah. He has turned out to be quite picky. He doesn't like ANY vegetables so I have to hide them in his food. The boy could eat an entire bunch of bananas in one sitting if I let him. Other than that, his other favorite foods are cheesy hot dogs and any kind of fruit.

6. At the current moment, Noah has 12 teeth. The last 4 came in all at the same time! The poor guy was miserable for a bit, but he's getting over that. Now if he would only put those teeth to good use and eat his veggies.

7. One of the funnest games we play is the laughing game. I like to think this is a trait that came from the Lindelsee side of my family. If you laugh, he laughs. But what he makes it so great is that he throws his head back and belts out a huge chuckle! It makes us laugh more and then he laughs more. What a great game!
Playing the laughing game

8. Noah recently learned to give kisses. There's nothing like an open mouthed, sloppy, wet kiss from that little boy!

9. Hair. Ahhhhh, this is a constant thorn in our side. Though he has a lot on the top, it hasn't grown at all on the sides. When his hair is wet, it goes down to his shoulders in the back. I have to brush my way through all the tangles every morning. That isn't fun for either of us! But, it sure looks cute when it's curly. Everyone comments on his hair and David and I just aren't ready to cut it yet. We decided we'll cut it if someone says, "Oh, what a cute girl you have." So far, so good!
This is the crazy hair that any girl would kill for!

10. Noah has FINALLY discovered books. Everyday, he brings me book after book to read. I hope that he continues to enjoy books. I love when he comes to snuggle with me in my lap and points at all the fun pictures while I read to him.

11. Going to church and Bible study have become quite a chore. Noah DESPISES going to the nursery. Often times, David and I have to go back and forth to the nursery to calm him down. I hope this phase doesn't last long, but in a way, it's kind of sweet that he misses us so much!

12. Curiosity has definitely grabbed a hold of our boy. Curiosity often turns in to mischievousness! He is into EVERYTHING! Sometimes it's fun to just sit back and watch him. He's so curious about how things work. It is not fun, however, when he gets in trouble!

13. Noah is turning into such a little boy. He doesn't look like a baby anymore. He is a pretty big kid for his age and has been wearing size 18-24 months for a while now. His feet are also giant. One of his favorite games is to take off his shoes and socks. I think he knows it drives his Momma nuts!

14. Nothing Noah does is gentle. He has definitely proven himself to be all boy merely by throwing anything he can get his hands on. The other night, David and I were eating in the living room. I usually sit on the floor by the coffee table when we do this. All of a sudden, a heavy drum struck the side of my head and almost knocked me out. David laughed (of course), I'm hoping out of shock, and said that I glared at Noah like I was going to throw him across the room! He got in big trouble! So, throwing things continues to be a constant battle. But, sometimes, I guess it can be funny!

Noah continues to be the "King in our castle." He makes all of our days a little brighter. I love that his personality is starting to shine through and I can't wait to see what he's going to surprise us with next!


Hayley said...

He is so stinkin' cute! I can't believe he's already 14 months old...time goes by so fast these days! Enjoy your sweet and handsome little man (LOVE those curls). Oh...and I have to say that I think he looks like your side of the family!!!!

JudyD said...

Jenny, you have such a way of expressing your heart! Noah will know how much he is loved! He is PRECIOUS!!! And I miss him very much! And, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE...don't cut off his curls!!!! Trim the front if you must, but don't cut those curls! I LOVE them! Grammy (Drenth)

Karen said...

beautiful!!! he looks SPOT ON like you, jenny! kashiku thoroughly enjoyed looking at noah's pics & watching the dancing video! love it!!