Thursday, December 31, 2009

Buh-bye 2009!

I have to say that I am not sad at all to say goodbye to 2009. Yes, there were some good parts to the year, but there were also some very bad things that I could've lived with out. That being said, I feel very positive that 2010 will bring many blessings to my family and I. As I said earlier, there are going to be some changes this year. One of those things is David's job. He has a wonderful opportunity before him at a company called Digital Globe. The company helps create the images for google maps. Isn't that cool? He is very excited about this and thinks it will be a good move for his career. After being at Ball Aerospace for almost 12 years, he's sad to leave the people and the company that treated him so well, but thinks this is the best move for him and our family. As for me, I turn 3o this year. I'm feeling very excited about entering my 30's. I plan on continuuing to stay at home with Noah and I'm also working on bringing in some extra money. I don't have all the bits and pieces together to make that happen yet, but I'm hoping I'll get the ball rolling on that in the next couple of months. Other than that, we'll just keep trying to do and be where God wants us. Not always an easy task, but we're a work in progress. I am thankful that God gave us each and every day of 2009. Though it wasn't always easy, I am confident that God was with me and our family every step of the way. I feel blessed to be where I am. God's grace is truly a gift and I'm thankful for His steady hand and providence over my family and I.

Thinking about the new year got me wondering about goals and resoutions for 2010. I usually don't make very many resoultions, but this year I am. I'll make my own and David and I are going to make some together as well. Once I have them together, I'll post them. That way, I can't go back on what I say! So what are some of your resolutions?

Have a safe and fun New Years!

Monday, December 28, 2009

Posting the Past

Click on the links below to see what we've been doing the past couple of months...

Halloween 2009

Noah's First Birthday

Thanksgiving 2009

Santa Claus

Meeting Mr. Claus

“Who is this scary guy?”

PB210735 “Momma?”


“Maybe he’s not so bad.”

PB210745“I think I’ll try again next year.”


Sunday, December 27, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

Thanksgiving was very special this year. Our family had a lot to be thankful for due to the miraculous healing of Kerri. The Tharps and my Dad came back from Texas to be with us. My Mom was still here helping Kerri. Kerri couldn't be with us on Thanksgiving, but we all thought about her a bunch. We took Hadley for the day and she had fun playing with her cousins. Also while the fam was here, we spent a lot of time goofing around and even went to Breckenridge to go sledding. It was great watching all the kids go down the mountain. But, I think that Cody had the most fun of all. There's nothing quite like watching a cowboy hoot and holler down a mountain. He was the hit of the mountain. Noah want on his first sled ride, too. I think he had fun, but there was no way of really telling. He didn't scream or cry, so I guess I can safely say that he enjoyed it. I loved having those Tharps and my parents around. I miss the kids like crazy and having Dana around is always the best. It was a great time with all of them!
Cole, Lauren, Noah and Katelyn
Huge meltdown of the 1-year-olds

The boys minus Cole. He didn't want to be in the picture :(

Mom, Hadley, Katelyn, Dana and Lauren

All bundled up for the snow

Noah's 1st sled ride

No tears, so I guess he loved the ride!

The Cowboy and his buckaroos flying down the mountain
Cole and Katelyn playing Guitar Hero
Bob and Jude hanging out on Thanksgiving

Cody, Lauren and Dana

1st Thanksgiving dinner

Our little fam on Thanksgiving

Katelyn and Hadley

Thing 1 & Thing 2

On Noah's birthday, David took a day off work and we had breakfast, opened presents, spent the day in Boulder and had some cake. My Mom was there to celebrate as well. It was such a perfect day spent with a perfect boy. The following Saturday, we had his BIG party. Noah had a joing party with Brie (his future wife) and they celebrated with a Dr. Seuss Thing 1 and Thing 2 party. The kids played with many friends and family, ate WAY too much cake and opened a crazy amount of presents. Those kids made out like bandits! Anyway, it's hard to believe that one year has come and gone already. Here's to many, many more!

Click on the picture below to see all the birthday fun!

Noah's 1st Birthday


Isn't he the CUTEST pirate you ever did see??

"Totally not diggin' this earring Mom!"

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Back From the Break....

Well, after a long hiatus, I decided it was time to get back to the ol' blog. I'm happy to say that I am finally ready to write again because I want everyone to know that life still goes on during good and bad times. And believe me, this year has been chock full of plenty of good, bad and sometimes VERY bad times!

First things first though, Kerri is alive and well. And all the glory goes to our gracious and miraculous God! We know that she is here today because of the power of prayer and because God is obviously not finished with her on this earth. She is now at home and is rehabbin' and trying her best to get back to a new normal. Our family is SO proud of her. Today just so happens to be her 4th anniversary with Adrian! So, happy anniversary Peech's! This day is also somewhat of an anniversary for David and I because we first met at their wedding. Without them, we wouldn't be us and we're forever grateful to them for getting married! If you want to keep up with Kerri's progress, you can go to You can leave her a message of encouragement if you'd like.

Other than that, David and I have been experiencing a lot of stress in our lives as well. The Monday before Thanksgiving I came home to a house that had been robbed. To say that it was an invasion of our lives is a HUGE understatement. Many things were taken, but the thing that I am absolutely DEVASTATED about is that they took our home videos along with our video camera. I've lost all the sweet videos of the day Noah was born and stuff like that. Ughhhhh, it just makes me sick to think about. It took a while, but I am now able to look at this situation with thanks that no one was hurt and that we still have a roof over our heads. But, shortly after that our Insurance company decided to stick it to us and still hasn't told us whether or not they are going to cover the claim! It's one thing to be robbed, but to be robbed by your insurance company is incomprehensible to me. I'm just furious over that! So, I'll keep you posted as to what's going on with that.

Besides all the bad things, I do realize that many GREAT things have been happening for David and I . I can't tell you everything quite yet, but so far, 2010 is looking up! David and I have been praying for a long time for our "luck" to change and I believe that it is. I can't wait to share the details with y'all soon. And no, I'm not pregnant so get that out of your head! :)

So, Team Coleman is back. I'm going to post later some things that have been going on the past few months. For example, we missed posting about Halloweeen, our 1-year-old and many other things. So those are coming....

It's good to be back!