Monday, April 21, 2008

My Memoir

My friend Holly tagged me to write a six-word memoir. So, here it goes...

Mooga (Mom in Dutch)

WThe rules: Write your own six word memoir, and post it on your blog. Link to the person that tagged you in your post and to the original post, if possible, so that it can be tracked as it travels across the blogosphere. Tag at least five more blogs with links. Leave a comment on the tagged blogs with an invitation to play.

I tag...
Mo, Kerri,

1 comment:

Summers said...

I like confused. I am this on a constant basis. My students look at me like a dog who heard a strange sound sometimes...but hey, it beats acting like you know everything all the time. That would get tiring! : ) Glad you had a great birthday..I have you in my daily list now so i will be seeing how things are going more often1 So happy things are going great with your family! : )