Friday, May 21, 2010

3 Days

No, I'm not talking about the Pat Green song. I wish. I'm talking about the past 3 days with my naughty 18 month old. Maybe I feel like he's been extra naughty because we're in the midst of boxes and chaos. Or maybe I'm just trying to tell myself that. Anyway, I thought I needed to document these moments in hopes that I'll laugh about them really soon.

Day 1: Noah peed on the floor. Yep, peed. I saw him do it and just stood there with my mouth to the floor. David laughed.

Day 2: Noah has decided he doesn't like naps anymore. He showed this to me when he whipped his little leg on the top rail of his crib and jumped out onto the floor. I think he learned his lesson though because he hasn't done it since. Guess it's time for a bed! That will have to wait until we're in our new house.

Day 3: I couldn't find Noah anywhere. Usually when this happens, I find him in the bathroom playing in the toilet. This was like any other day and of course I found him right where I thought he'd the bathroom playing in the toilet. However, he wasn't just splashing the water with his hands. I found this boy STANDING in the toilet saying, "dancin', dancin'." Yes, you read that correctly! My boy was dancing in the toilet and having a good ol' time! After my initial anger, I called David and he chuckled and asked if I took a picture. I sure wish I had now! But, that boy got in trouble! I'm just glad he didn't get his foot stuck or didn't tip over and drown. You always hear about those freak accidents where kids drown and inches of water and now I completely understand how that can happen!

Anyway, I have my hands full with trying to pack up our house and dealing with a very naughty, naughty Noah!

P.S. I do have a bunch of posts that I've been working on the past 2 months. Once we move I'll have more time to work on them and get them out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jenny- I just read your post and I had to smile. You are not alone... I have so been there, done that. My 5 yr. old boy had to be moved to a bed at 20 months because he consistently climbed out from 18 months on, even when he did fall. He has peed on my floor and played in the toliet. Boys truly are different and very interesting, to say the least! Just remember... this too shall pass. lol (Kelly Lonsford McCreery)