Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Established June 9, 2007

The Colemans officially became a team on Saturday, June 9, 2007. In front of God, family and friends, David and Jenny vowed til death to be just that...a team. Most think of a team as a group of people working cooperatively. So what are we working towards? Well, for the past 5 months we've been working towards getting firmly planted on Colorado ground. After a string of unexpected mishaps I think we're finally on our way. For each of us, it's been an adjustment. Sara and Anna have a new person in their life who they didn't choose to spend forever with...their Dad did. David is adjusting to having to clean up after himself and having his home taken over by his new wife. And I am adjusting to a completely different life than the one I left behind in Texas. All in all, it's been great. Even after all the homesickness and the bumps in the road, I wouldn't trade it for anything. After all, I have my team with me.

In June, David and Jenny got married in Galveston and spent their honeymoon in Belize. It was a great week, and though i ended up in the hospital at the end, I still long to sit on our porch and watch the sunset over the mountains of Belize.

When we returned from Belize, we began to settle into life as a new family. We declared Tuesday nights family nights. This is where we did something fun as a family. David headed back to work and I began the daunting task of trying to find a job. July came quickly and we went camping with our church in Leadville, CO. The girls and I went fishing while all the men went golfing. Though we didn't catch any fish, we had a great time hanging out with all the kids.

August quickly approached and the girls headed back to school. David had been having some trouble with his knee over the summer so he headed to the doctor. The diagnosis of his injury turned out to be the result of an accident that he had while we were in Belize. Because of this accident his cartilage was damaged and was causing the bones in his knee to rub together. Thus, creating horrible pain in his knee. So, a September surgery was scheduled for David.

September arrived and I still did not have a job. Anna began playing soccer and Sara settled into Jr. High. On the 19th of September, David went in to surgery with high hopes of fixing the pain in his knee. However, when the doctor got into surgery, he found that the damage to David's knee was greater than expected. He did a biopsy of the cells in his knee and was in surgery for less than 30 minutes. David woke to find that in the near future he would have to have another surgery that would require more therapy and a longer recovery time. The surgery is actually quite amazing and you can read here: http://www.arthroscopy.com/sp08029.htm September brought some joy to our family as my sister Kerri had her first baby. Hadley Mylinda Peech arrived on September 30th with a roomful family and friends to greet her.

While Dana and my Mom were here to meet Hadley, Dana and I did some remodeling. We painted the living room and David and I got some new windows! Woo hoo! It looks like a completely different house.

That brings us to October. I finally got a job with Frontier Airlines and am working as a Customer Service Agent. Though it is not the ideal job, I'm thankful for the work. Plus, my family and I get to fly for free! So the perks are worth it! I experienced myfirst fall and first snow and greeted it with open arms. I also went to my first haunted house and corn maze. I'm pretty sure it will be my last! :) And, David, the girls and I carved pumpkins (pictures coming soon).

So, on the eve of November, we're truckin ahead and looking forward to what is in store for us. David is gearing up for surgery and I'm scoping out flights to see where I can take some day trips to. I'm hoping that I'll be able to visit all of you soon. Though Texas will always be my home, Colorado is quickly becoming where my heart is. With God's grace and my teammates beside me, Team Coleman is looking to the road ahead to many good things.